Clinics & Services

Blood Taking (Phlebotomy)

Once your doctor/clinician has recommended you have a blood test, please book this with reception. The blood test appointments should only take 10 minutes. Please make sure you drink plenty of water before your appointment as this ensure you are well hydrated before having blood taken.

If there are no suitable appointments available at the practice you can take your form or your blood test reference number to an alternate provider. Medway Community Health have clinics across Medway, to find a suitable appointments and location please call.  0300 1233444 option 1. Further detauils can also be found by using the link below:

Under 12 years? We are unable to provide a blood taking service for this age group. Your doctor will give you a blood form and you should arrange an appointment at Medway Community Healthcare (01634 891900) to have the tests.

Housebound? For patients who are housebound, we can arrange a home visit by the Community Phlebotomy Team.

See below information about Results.


This is a recording of the electrical activity of your heart. Once this investigation has been requested by your doctor, please book an appointment with reception. The appointment will take up to 20 minutes. In some circumstances, you may be asked to wait after you have had your ECG whilst a doctor reviews the result.

Urine Samples

From 1st March 2023 you will no longer be able to hand a urine sample in (for potential infection) without speaking to a member of the clinical team first.

If you have symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI) please call from 08.00 to book a morning telephone triage consultation with a clinician – this may be with a GP or the Duty nurse.

If you have mild symptoms or you are unable to book an on-the-day appointment, please refer to the NHS website for useful information and advice on how you can effectively treat most UTIs early with good hydration and pain relief.

Please call NHS 111 out of hours if you become more unwell

Lung Function Tests (Spirometry)

Once these have been requested by a member of our clinical team, please book at reception.

Nursing Clinics

Our Practice Nursing Team are fully trained to offer a wide range of services. If you would like to book an appointment with the nurse, please speak to reception.

Services that our nurses can provide are:

  • Diabetes
  • Respiratory – Asthma
  • COPD
  • Cervical Smears – if you find it hard to attend a cervical smear support can be found here website
  • HRT reviews
  • Injections/immunisations e.g. child immunisation, shingles, influenza and pneumonia vaccinations
  • Travel Clinic

Family Planning

We are pleased to be able to offer a comprehensive family planning service. This includes:

  • General contraceptive advice
  • Advice and prescriptions for the oral contraceptive pill
  • Advice and prescriptions for the Morning-after pill (Emergency contraception)
  • Advice about Long Acting Reversible methods of contraception (LARCs)
  • Intra-uterine devices
  • Prescribe and administer ‘Depo’ injections
  • Fitting of the Intra-uterine Device, IUD, (the ‘coil) and the Intra-Uterine System, IUS (Mirena)

Coil and Implants

A IUCD (coil) and implant clinic is held regularly  The procedure is carried out by a female GP with a nurse assisting. If you wish to attend the clinic, you will initially need to contact the practice to arrange a telephone call with the GP to discuss this further.

Sexual Health

If you have no symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection, but are sexually active and aged between 16 -25, then you are entitled to a free chlamydia screen. You can ask your doctor or nurse about this.

4-8 week Mother and Baby Check

The 4-8 week post-natal mother and baby check will be carried out by one of the doctors. This is to ensure that all is well with you and your baby. Please book this at reception, and remember to let the reception staff know what the appointment is for, as you will need a 30 minute appointment.

Child Health and Immunisations

Childhood immunisations are an extremely important way of protecting your child against serious infections.

The immunisations are given by the Practice Nurses, and start from 8 weeks of age. Please click here for the full list of recommended immunsations. This can also be found in your child’s Red Book.

Diabetic Clinic

All diabetics, who are not regularly monitored at the hospital, will be invited to attend this clinic on a regular basis. Progress should be carefully monitored to reduce the long term risks associated with diabetes, such as heart disease and deteriorating eyesight.

Asthma/COPD and Spirometry Clinic

We have a trained practice nurse who runs regular clinics for patients with breathing problems. Regular monitoring is recommended and you are advised to make an appointment.

Minor Surgery and Joint Injections

Some of the Partners are trained in a range of minor surgical procedures, including the removal of small skin lumps and soft tissue injections. Both Surgeries have well equipped purpose built treatment rooms. Please make an appointment to see your doctor first, so that the treatment can be planned.

Blood Pressure Management Clinic

These clinics are designed to support patients with high blood pressure. We provide comprehensive screening, advice and relevant medication. Please make an appointment to see one of the practice nurses to have your blood pressure checked.

Quit Smoking Clinic

Trying to quit? Our nursing staff can help you give up. There are now a number of different treatments to suit you and help you quit smoking for good.

Weight Loss Clinic

Our nurses can help you lose weight by monitoring how much you eat and how much exercise you do each week. We can give you one to one advice and support to help you achieve your target weight.

Minor Illness and Minor Injuries Clinic

Our senior nurses are fully trained to treat minor illnesses and minor injuries.

Maternity care

If you are planning to have a baby, a doctor or nurse will be pleased to discuss any queries you may have. Your antenatal care will be managed by the midwife and you can self referr to a midwife at the most appropriate hospital.

Cervical Smear Tests

Cervical screening is a method of preventing cervical cancer by detecting abnormal cells in the cervix (the lower part of the womb). Cervical screening is not a test for cancer, but it is a test to check the health of the cervix. Most women’s test results show that everything is normal. But for one in 20 women, the test will show some changes in the cells of the cervix. All women aged between 25 and 64 are invited for a smear test. Being screened regularly means that any abnormal changes in the cervix can be identified early on and, if necessary, treated to stop cancer developing.

Smear tests are carried out by a practice nurse. You will be sent a reminder when your smear test is due. Smear test results will be sent to you by post.
Smears tests are important. However, if you do not wish to have a smear test please come in and discuss it with your doctor.

Ear Syringing

Please see one of our practice nurses for syringing, if your ear wax will not go with ear drops from the chemist.

Wound Care and Dressing Clinic

Our nurses are fully trained to manage wounds and dressings.

In addition, for wound dressing and suture (stitches) removal, please contact the Wound Clinic based at Rochester Healthy Living Centre on 01634 382247